Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Props for 'Chasing Daisy' Re-shoot and final version included:
-Variety of clothes to create mess around the room
-Make up, t-shirts, phone, jewellery stand with jewellery.
-Bracelet she puts on her wrist.
- T-shirt, ripped tights, t-shirt, leather skirt and ankle boots that Daisy puts on.
-Cigarettes, lighter, pills and phone on the bedside table.
-Glass of coca cola

The Cast of Chasing Daisy:
Daisy - Nini Hadjipateras.
Jason – Julian Wogman

Costume List for Chasing Daisy:
-Black ripped tights.
-Leather skirt.
-,Black ankle boots.
-Long, black, baggy, vest top.
-Daisy's sleeping look was a plain t-shirt and a valour tracksuit bottoms.
-Jason wears a beige long sleeved top.


This is our animatic which I made on slideshare, it shows our storyboard which helped us to film each shot correctly as we followed the storyboard exactly.

chasing d animatic small
This is the shotlist for our final piece of coursework for our opening sequence, we made sure we were very organized and knew exactly what we were doing, on the day of filming the shotlist made it so much easier to understand what was going to happen in each shot.

We all made sure that we each put the exact same amount of input into this coursework, during the production Kate and I both directed and filmed it equally. Nini was the main character with the appearence of myself, Ellie Harris who played Kaya and Elene Tsiklauri who played Jenny. They both acted as Daisy's friends.

During the editing, I took on the role of creating the titles on LivetType, Kate created the music on Garage Band and Nini edited the film together.



Props for 'Chasing Daisy' included:
-Variety of clothes to create mess around the room
-Make up, hair straightners and hair spray in the bathroom
-Mobile Phone
-Jewellery she puts on
-Daisy's bag.
-Cigarettes, lighter, pills and phone on the bedside table.
-Kaya and Jenny's cigarettes and phones.

The Cast of Chasing Daisy:
Daisy - Nini Hadjipateras.
Kaya - Ellie Harris.
Jenny - Elene Tsiklauri.

Costume List for Chasing Daisy:
-Black ripped tights.
-Leather skirt.
-S, black, heeled, ankle boots.
-Long, black, baggy, vest top.
-Daisy's sleeping look was a Ramones t-shirt and a pair of shorts.
-Kaya wears a black blazer, ripped blue jeans, a white t-shirt and black,heeled, ankle boots.
-Jenny wears a black jumper, black leggings and black boots




For my AS coursework, the task was to be able to create an opening scene of a movie which has to last for 2 minutes. I decided to work with my two friends Kate and Nini. We decided that as we all enjoy teen movies that relate to us, we would base our film on a movie like 'Legally Blonde,' or 'Freaky Friday.' We thought it would be easier to do then an opening scene for a horror movie because it would be too complicated and as none of us were very experienced with the camera we preferred to make it as simple as possible but still effective. In both the two movies we studies, the first scenes start with the main character waking up and getting ready for the day. Both movies give us an insight into the type of character which we are seeing and it sets the scene for us and gives us an idea into what the movie may be about.

Kate, Nini and I decided that we would create this opening sequence to be age appropriate for 13 -18 year olds. We didn’t want it to just appeal to a younger audience therefore instead of making the character too much like the character in Legally Blonde, we made sure our character was a bit more edgier and had a bit more attitude in order for teenagers to be able to relate to her.
The main character, Daisy is 16 years old; they live in a suburban house. Daisy is fairly tall and has dark brown hair and wears dark eye make-up and you could interpret that her sense f style shows that she may be the type to rebel. Her room is quite girly with pink, however this is the opposite to the way she dresses, which is what as directors and producers we wanted to portray.
The first thing the audience are going to see are the distribution logos. They will see the company who have distributed our opening scene which are ‘Optimum Releasing.’ Then ‘A Bass Film’ will appear followed by ‘A Shurgaia Harris Film.’ The audience will then see a medium close up shot of Daisy lying in bed; she has her back to the camera. She then turns round to reveal her face as she wakes up and rubs her eyes. It then cuts to a clip of her two friends. One wearing ripped jeans and boots and the other an oversized jumper with biker boots, they are waiting for Daisy. They are also smoking which gives the impression that they aren’t portrayed as a ‘good girl.’ The camera then cuts to an extreme close up of Daisy holding her phone which is a blackberry, we notice there are 6 missed calls which could suggest that she is either popular, or that she has an unreliable character as she leaves her friends waiting outside. You then see the name ‘Nini Hadjipateras’ appear on the screen which is the name of the main character Daisy. It then cuts to a wide shot of Daisy walking to her bathroom. The name ‘Ellie Harris’ appears on screen. The camera then follows Daisy’s hands in a close up as she picks up her lipstick. As she does this, the camera allows the audience to see that there is a lot of makeup laid out with hair straightners it is also very messy. We then see Daisy in the mirror applying hair spray. She walks out of the bathroom and we see an extreme close up of her turning off the lights and the name ‘Kate Shurgaia’ appears. Then we see a close up montage sequence of Daisy pulling up her ripped tights and putting on her heels. The camera then moves to a close up of Daisy putting on jewellery and then another close up of her reaching for her cigarettes and other things to put them in her bag. It then cuts to the image of the bedroom door and we see a medium close up of Daisy as she walks out.

Then it cuts to her being downstairs and she opens the door to see her friends waiting, it is dark outside which suggests that she had woken up late and her friends had been waiting for her all day. This gives the impression he is the stereotypical rebellious teenager. The title ‘Chasing Daisy’ then appears on the screen in italic writing.

For the mise en scene we wanted to create a dark gloomy atmosphere as apose to the bright and pink atmosphere you see in Legally Blonde. This was because we wanted to create a certain feel to the opening sequence as well as for the character Daisy. We purposley filmed in a room which was fairly girly with pink flowers, however this is the complete opposite to how Daisy is, which is the rebellious more punk type.