Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The opening scene immediatly tells us that its created by New Line Cinema. The beginning of the film is very basic and not a lot happens. The music sets the scene for us as it is quite uplifting. The actors names appear at the beginning as well. As we are introduced to the first character, the movie uses a point of view shot as we are seeing what the actor sees as she looks out onto the river. By mise en scene we can tell that she is quite unhappy as she is staring out the window, this shot would be a medium close up.

We then see a close up shot of her which the audience can immediatly sense her emotions. Another character is then introduced by a medium long shot. Within the first 3 minutes of the movie, not a lot happens but it sets the scene for us and gives us an insight in to what the story is about and what sort of camera shots would be used.


I used the Twilight trailer to analyse the camera shots, angles and mise en scene of the movie. It is created by Summit Entertainment and the music creates a gloomy but mysterious atmostphere. The first shots we see are establishing shots and very long shots and these help the audience to see whats going on in the scene and it creates an image for us. The camera then shows us a long shot of the main character Edward Cullen and then into a medium close up as the audience are given an insight into his facial expressions.

We then see close ups and big close ups of one of the character's Bella Swan who's reaction is of shock. They also use a lot interesting camera movement throughout the movie such astracking shots and tilts. There is a lot of action in the movie therefore the camera shots and camera movements vary a lot, an extreme long shot will be used and then it would quickly change to a close up.
High angle and low angle views are used as well.


Extreme Long Shot - the view is so far from the subject that she isn't even visible. This is often used as an establishing shot.

Long Shot - shows the entire object or human figure and is usually intended to place it in some relation to its surroundings.

Medium Long Shot - a shot of the person knees up.

Medium Shot - a shot of the person wasit up.

Medium Close Up - a shot of the person's face and shoulders.

Close up - a shot of the person's face, this is normally used to show the reaction of a person.

These are my top 5 favourite films....

1. Twilight
watch trailer
imdb of Twilight
2. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
watch trailer
imdb of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
3. Forgetting Sarah Marshall
watch trailer
imdb of Forgetting Sarah Marshall
4. Final Destination 3
watch trailer
imdb of Final Destination 3
5. Dude Wheres My Car?
watch trailer
imdb of Dude Where's My Car?

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