Tuesday, May 4, 2010


My contribution towards the project, was to film and direct the opening sequence and create the opening titles on Live Type. I feel that the first time I directed the first sequence, I was very unfamiliar with how to use the camera and how to make sure all the shots were correct. Therefore, re-shooting gave me the chance to learn from my mistakes and make sure I could make the second time better. However, the second time we re-shoot the weather was very unreliable and we ended up having to re-shoot again as the lighting was different in the majority of the shots. This gave me the opportunity to be more organized and prepared for everything the next time. I felt the final time, I got all the shots right and made sure I included many close ups to really capture the character's facial expressions as well as to create a good montage sequence.

For the opening titles, I used Live Type, it took me a while understand what to do as it was quite complicated. However I managed to create simple but effective opening titles.

Overall, Nini, Kate and myself all made an equal contribution and are extremely happy with the way our project turned out.

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