Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Due to the footage that we filmed during December having many problems with it, such as faults with lighting, continuity, the sound was muffled and we had broken the 180 degree rule, we decided that it was best to reshoot. However I've decided to keep the original title sequence up on my blog because the second time we shot we completly changed the whole script and sequence.

Analysis of my Coursework
For my coursework, the task is to be able to create an opening scene of a movie which has to last for 2 minutes. I decided to work with my two friends Kate and Nini. We decided that as we all enjoy teen movies that relate to us, we would base our film on a movie like 'Legally Blonde,' or 'Freaky Friday.' Both scenes start with the main character waking up and getting ready for the day. Both movies give us an insight into the type of character which we are seeing and it sets the scene for us and gives us an idea into what the movie may be about.

Kate, Nini and I didn't want our opening scene to be complicated, we wanted the audience to be able to understand what was going on we wante the opening scene to appeal to an audience around the ages of 13 - 18.

The main character, Christy is 15 years old and lives with her older sister, Nini who is 17 and her parents. They live in a suburban house. Christy is petite and has dark blonde hair and has a good sense of style, her room is quite girly but Christy herself has an attitude. She enjoys making an effort but isnt too fussed about what she looks like most of the time. We notice that Christy and her sister Nini do not get along.

The first thing the audience are going to see are the distribution logos. They will see 'A Kelni Edwards Production' appear and it will fade out and you will see an establishing shot of a suburban house, the audience will be able to see where the opening scene is being shot and what sort of lifestyle they characters live. The camera will then zoom in and pan upwards to one of the windows, which is where the majority of the opening scene will take place. This will be obvious to the audience. It will then go to a wide shot of Christy in bed sleeping, and the camera will be placed in the corner of the room therefore we will be able to see the surroundings and her bedroom. She will be facing the opposite direction in bed so the audience will not be able to see her face. The next shot is of the camera zooming closer into her but it is still a wide shot. We see her turn over as she hears a knock on her door but her eyes remain shut. The next shot is a close up shot of her face with her eyes shut and we suddenley see her eyes open quickly as if she's startled and it is still a close up shot. It then goes to a long shot of Christy sitting on her bed, we see her untie her hair which is messy and as she does that she turns on her ipod. The next shot is a close up of her reaching the play button on her ipod and we hear music which is Chipmunk - Diamond Rings. This music sets the scene for us as its upbeat, fun and goes well with the characters personality. The next shot is a medium shot of her looking into her mirror, in the shot we see her dressing table with makeup, perfume and pictures. It's fairly neat but with a bit of mess. We see the back of her head and see the reflection of her face in the mirror. She smoothes out her hair and then it cuts to a close up shot of her applying her makeup. When she is done we see a medium close up of her with her make up done and we see the door in the background. The next shot is a close up of the back of her head and we see her putting her top on over head, it then goes toa medium close up of Christy, we see that she has her top on and she is putting on her jeans, whilst jumping up and down. The next shot is a long shot of her sister Nini walking up the stairs. It then goes to a high angle shot and we see a pair of boots laying on the floor and then a close up of them and the girls hand grabbing them. Then we see a long shot of the Christy opening the door, ready with her boots on. As we see her coming out of the door in the next shot, we see her face to face long shot of the two sisters meeting in the hall, we notice there is conflict between the them. The next shot is an over the shoulder shot, and we can see Nini in a medium close up, 'nice top, where did you get it from? My wardrobe?' This speech creates a tension between them both and the audience notice that they obviously do not get along. The next shot is over the shoulder but instead of seeing Nini's medium close up, we see over her shoulder and the audience can see Christy's face which is reacting to what Nini has just said. The next shot is a wide shot of Christy walking into the kitchen through the door and she looks at the calander. The next shot is a close up of the calander and Christy crosses out the next box which is titled 'School Starts,' and that is when the opening scene ends.

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