Tuesday, November 17, 2009


For our opening sequence, we researched into movies such like Freaky Friday, Legally Blonde and Pretty in Pink. We chose these three because they all show their main character's daily routine in the morning as they get up. It also created a certain image for the character and within the first 2 minutes, the audience is able to understand the concept of the movie and you are immediatley aware of the type of character that the movie is portraying. Legally Blonde shows a lot of pink and shows girly characteristics. However this is the opposite sort of character we wanted to create, we wanted to take the main characeter in Freaky Friday and create more of an edgy, dark look.

The character in the image above is the main character in Freaky Friday, the image below is the character Jenny Humphrey from Gossip Girl, we wanted to base our character Daisy on her.

The type of audience who would watch movies such as Legally Blonde and Freaky Friday would be young teenagers and perhaps older teenagers. However we wanted to make 'Chasing Daisy,' age 15 appropriate, we wanted to appeal to wide range of people and wanted teenagers to be able to relate to the character Daisy in our opening sequence.


We looked at Legally Blonde for the opening sequence, this was because montage sequences were used which is what we aimed to do for our media product. We also liked how the colour pink was used throughout the 2 minute clip we viewed as it emphasised the main character's personality. However we wanted to go the opposite direction as we wanted to create a more edgy vibe for our character.

We also chose to look at Freaky Friday to see what the opening sequene was like, and it seemed to give us an insight into what type of things we should do for our media product.

I chose the movie 'Freaky Friday,' as one of my movie choices to analyze. Fortunately the movie represents the sort of film that i want to make for my coursework. The first thing we see is the distribution logo which is Walt Disney, therefore we know that the movie is aimed at a young audience and its a family film. It then fades into old pictures of mothers and daughters, this gives us an idea on what sort of film it is. Then we see the title of the film 'Freaky Friday.' The next shot we see is of a suburban house, we then see a close up shot of a teenage girl sleeping. The shot then quickly zooms out into a wider shot of the girls messy room. Then a medium close up of her mum trying to wake the girl up. The next shot is of the girl with a pillow over her head showing that she clearly does not want to wake up for school. The next shot is a long shot of the mum doing yoga in her room, this gives us an insight into her character and what her personality is like. It then goes to a wide shot of her mum trying to pull her daughter out of bed, and then a medium close up of the mums face, this shows her facial expressions which at the time are angry. We see a close up of the mum reaching for her many phones, and then the younger brother comes into the daughters room and wakes up her in an aggressive way. It then shows the girls bedroom door with a poster saying 'Parental Advisory, Keep Out.' Then a few seconds later the girl suddenly appears from her room as a medium close up dressed and ready for her school day. The music says a lot about the opening scene, as we see the distribution logo and the credits a friendly, upbeat song is on which represents the idea of the film and how its a family movie, however when the movie starts and you see the young girl in bed, the music then becomes more heavy and intense representing the teenage girl's character, showing that she is a lazy teenager and the rock music really symbolizes the movie.

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